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RESOLUTION #4B-23-0904 Requesting District Department of Public Works Supervision of Trash Routes
Ward 4
Commissioner Tiffani Nichole Johnson
Department of Public Works (DPW)
7405 9th Street NW Washington, DC 20012
9/27/2023 7:11:59 PM
? That Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4B requests that the District Department of Public Works ensure it is complying with its stated requirement that supervisors provide weekly oversight of trash collection to monitor that spillage is not left behind and trash cans are returned to their upright positions and are out of the public right of way. ? That Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4B calls on the District Department of Public Works to add a new category for “alley cleaning – collection spillage” to the list of available service requests with an estimated service resolution timeframe of 7 business days. ? That Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4B calls for the District Department of Public Works to collect data on the use of the new 311 category of “alley cleaning – collection spillage” to determine which routes are problematic and provide additional supervision of and training to collectors. ? That Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4B requests that the District Department of Publ
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