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Resolution Requesting DDOT to Study Bike Lanes Along Bryant Street
Ward 1
Commissioner Josh Jacobson
District Department of Transportation (DDOT)
2605 SHERMAN AVE NW, Washington, DC
2/28/2023 8:17:28 PM
The District Department of Transportation’s (DDOT) approved moveDC plan lays out the long-term goals and strategies for transportation in the District of Columbia. One of the major goals is to expand the multi-model network in the District and Strategy 21 specifically focuses on installing more protected bike lanes. Within the Bicycle Priority Network, the Pleasant Plains and Cardozo/Shaw neighborhoods were identified as opportunities to increase bike lanes partially due to the large increase in residential density. ANC 1E welcomes these policies, as well as the completion of protected bike lanes on Sherman Avenue up to Barry Place NW and the plans for Florida Avenue bike lanes.
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