View Resolution

Request for Agency Changes following Deadly House Fire on August 18th at 708 Kennedy Street NW
Ward 4
Tiffani Nichole Johnson
Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA)
7405 9th Street NW Washington, DC 20012
10/12/2019 9:13:08 AM
This resolution was presented following the death of two individuals (9-year-old Yafet Solomon and 40-year-old Fitsum Kebede) following a house fire at 708 Kennedy Street NW. It is requesting that all investigations pertaining to this fire be released to the ANC/public along with a corrective action plan. It is also requiring the Ward 4 MOCR's to provide the ANC with a list of outstanding inspection cases within the Ward and expected next steps. Lastly, it requests that DCRA be divided pursuant to the recommendations made in the Department of Buildings Establishment Act, previously submitted by Council Chair Phil Mendleson on January 23, 2018.
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