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Resolution 4B-20-0604 ReOpen DC Recommendations Regarding Phased Opening of Schools and Childcare Centers
Ward 4
Commissioner Tiffani Nichole Johnson
District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS)
7405 9th Street NW Washington, DC 20012
6/23/2020 12:59:40 PM
• The Commission is extremely concerned with stage one (1) allowing for the limited reopening of childcare services for children of on-site critical workers, with a limit of ten (10) people per room. • The Commission feels that opening any child care facility at stage 1, even with universal standards of physical distancing, appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE), personal hygiene and sanitation practices, and health screenings is not sufficient to ensure the health and safety of the employees or the children under their care. • The ReOpen DC recommendations also call for partial reopening for children in preschool, K-12 and receiving adult education through stages two (2) and three (3) with a blended instruction model to include distance learning and in-person learning. Childcare centers and all schools should remain closed until at a minimum stage four (4) when a treatment protocol and/or vaccine is approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), after appropriate vetting, testing and approval based on approved scientific methodologies. • Until such time as an approved treatment protocol and/or vaccine is available, the District must ensure that all students who do not have access to appropriate devices, e.g., a desktop, laptop or tablet with access to Hotspots, Wi-Fi or government subsidized broadband services, are provided with to them to complete their assignments. Use of these devices and the accompanying technology should continue until the District has reached stage four (4) of the ReOpen DC plan.
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