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Resolution #4B-21-0903 Requesting Installation of Speed Humps on Fern Place, NW, between Georgia Avenue, NW, and Blair Road, NW
Ward 4
Evan Yeats, 4B01
District Department of Transportation (DDOT)
7405 9th Street NW Washington, DC 20012
9/29/2021 12:45:29 PM
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4B calls on the District Department of Transportation to timely collect data and complete its review of the outstanding requests related to traffic safety issues along Fern Place, NW and promptly complete outstanding orders for reduced speed limit sign installation and speed hump installation on 7th Street, NW. Advisory Neighborhood Commission 4B recognizes the broad community support for speed humps along Fern Place, NW, and calls on the District Department of Transportation to promptly install speed humps along this street from Georgia Avenue, NW to Blair Road, NW and to consider additional physical traffic calming measures in these blocks, including but not limited to speed tables, raised crosswalks, raised stop bars, rumble strips, bulb-outs/curb extensions, medians, pedestrian refuges, protected intersections, and gateway entry treatments.
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